For Current Grantees
What are the reporting requirements for WSJF grantees?
Grantee Reporting Requirements
Interim Reports
Multi-year grantees must submit interim reports for every year of the grant life-cycle, and a final report at the end of the grant cycle. Interim reports are due three months prior to the yearly anniversary. Reporting dates will be included in the grant contract. In addition to the narrative report, please submit an update on accomplishments to date on the current year’s accountability plan and a revised accountability plan for the upcoming grant year.
Single-year grantees who are considering applying for renewal funding should contact program staff three to six months prior to the end of the present grant-term. If invited to re-apply, a report on progress toward the present grant year’s goals, objectives, accountability plan, and spending should be submitted with the new proposal application.
Final Reports
All grantees are required to submit final reports, which are due two months after the end of the grant period, unless otherwise specified. For multi-year grants, the final report is a cumulative, comprehensive examination of the entire grant term. Please note that the Foundation typically provides no more than two or three years of consecutive funding. Since all reports have been revised recently, grantees should contact Charles “Chuck” Hoblitzelle, Grants Manager for current forms and instructions. choblitzelle(at)
For Potential New Grantees
How can you apply for a grant from the Walter S. Johnson Foundation?
How do I apply for a Grant?
Step 1) Determine your eligibility
We support organizations whose work qualifies as charitable, according to the IRS definition. This includes organizations with a 501(c) 3 status, public agencies, and projects sponsored by public charities. Only organizations serving the WSJF’s targeted regions of Northern California and Nevada are generally eligible for grants. We do not make grants to individuals, towards arts or film projects, or contribute to capital campaigns or endowments. We do not make grants to international organizations. For county chapters of state organizations, proposal invitations are generally only offered to the state organization.
Step 2) Determine your project’s fit
Review our funding priorities and list of previous grants to determine whether your efforts advance one or more of the Foundation’s goals and objectives. If you determine that your project/program aligns well with our strategy, please proceed to Step 3. Please review our Funding Priorities. If you are unsure as to your programs "fit" with our priorities, you can contact us via email (not phone contact).
Step 3) Contact Us
If you have determined that your project is eligible and it is a fit for the WSJF funding priorities, please contact our Program Director: Yali Lincroft ( to see whether your organization is a good candidate for a proposal invitation. Often, a Letter of Inquiry is requested prior to a full proposal submission. WSJF does not accept unsolicited proposals.
Step 4) Submit a proposal (by invitation only)
If you have been invited to submit a proposal, a Walter S. Johnson Foundation representative will send a proposal packet electronically. Please submit your application by the deadline that you have been given. This is typically several months before the board meeting at which your proposal will be considered. When completed, submit the proposal and attachments electronically to our Program Director: Yali Lincroft ( Please send the documents in WORD or EXCEL format (not pdf).
Depending on the grant's size, it can take 2-6 months for program staff to conduct the necessary due diligence (which may include a site visit, reference checks, and program/financial assessment) to present funding recommendations to our Board of Trustees. During the review process, staff will keep you informed about your proposal’s status.
Step 5) Proposal review and funding determination
Program staff will notify you if and when your proposal will be presented to the Board of Directors and when to expect a decision. The Board meets four times each year to make funding decisions (February, May, July/August, and November). Proposals are generally due 3 months prior to the board meeting. Please note that the Foundation typically provides no more than two or three years of consecutive funding to its grantees.
List of current and past Walter S. Johnson Foundation grantees.
Who are our Grantees?
- Coming soon...
- Coming soon...
- Coming soon...
- Boosted Diplomas, $150,000 for 2 years (GR24-01Y) - Educational support for foster youth in Washoe County, NV.
- Children's Advocacy Alliance, $150,000 (GR24-02R) - Addressing the needs of transitional-age youth in Nevada, particularly housing and placement challenges.
- Lutheran Social Services of Northern California, $250,000 for 2 years (GR24-03Y) - Create a job developer position to work with transitional-age youth in San Joaquin County, CA.
- National Center for Youth Law, $150,000 for 2 years (GR24-04Y) - Support for its Reproductive Health Equity Project for Foster Youth program in Sacramento County, CA.
- Parents by Choice, $250,000 for 2 years (GR24-11Y) - Support the rapid expansion of their youth employment programs in San Joaquin County, CA.
- Make It Home, $150,000 (GR24-12R) - Support the development of their furniture restoration vocation program for transitional-age youth in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA.
- California Local Conservation Corps Foundation, $100,000 (GR24-13R) - General support for this newly formed membership foundation serving California's 14 local conservation corps.
- Transition Age Youth Research & Evaluation Hub (TAY Hub) housed at the University of California, Berkeley, $100,000 (GR24-14R) - General support for the core activities of the TAY Hub.
- Fund for the Education Success of Students Experiencing Homelessness, Child Welfare, and Juvenile Justice (housed at Amalgamated Funds), $250,000 (GR24-15R) - Participation in the pooled FES Fund addressing the needs of highly mobile students.
- iFoster, $400,000 for two years (GR24-16Y) - Support to expand its Transition Age Youth AmeriCorp programs in Clark County, NV.
- California College Pathways (CCP) Pooled Fund (fiscal agent: Whittier Trust), $600,000 for two years (GR24-17Y) - Participation in the pooled CCP Fund addressing the foster youth educational outcomes in higher education in California.
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice in Education $300,000 (GR24-27R) - Support for the Legal Center for Foster Care and Education.
- Aspiranet, $200,000 for 2 years (GR24-28Y) - Increase housing resources to serve TAY youth in rural Northern CA.
- Foundation for California Community Colleges, $280,000 for 2 years (GR24-29Y) - Support Student Ambassadors Program and Refurbished Laptops for Foster Youth programs.
- National Foster Youth Institute, $160,000 for 2 years (GR24-31Y) - Support foster youth advocates in national policy discussions including youth advocates for CA and NV.
- Workforce Connections (fiscal agent: New Ways to Work), $400,000 for 2 years (GR24-32Y) - Support "Next Stop: Your Career" disconnected youth initiative.
- Olive Crest, $75,000 (GR24-33R) - Support to address acute youth mental health crisis in Southern NV.
- SchoolHouse Connections, $200,000 (GR24-34R) - Technical assistance for the new FAFSA Simplification Act.
- A Home Within, $200,000 for 2 years (GR24-58Y) - Support for the "Building Practice in Community Program."
- East Bay Community Law Center, $150,000 for 2 years (GR24-60Y) - Support for their alternative education accountability project.
- Eddy House, $200,000 for 2 years (GR24-61Y) - Support for housing needs for former foster youth and homeless youth in Northern NV.
- JustAdvocates, $75,000 (GR24-62R) - Support for strategic planning to increase mental health programs for high-needs youth in rural Northern CA
- Public Works Alliance, $75,000 (GR24-63R) - Support for its Emergency Medical Service Corps program in rural Northern CA.
- Educate Tomorrow, $10,000 (GR23-72D) - Fostering Academic Achievement Nationwide.
- Pathways to Hope for Children, $16,000 (GR24-20D) - Strategic planning efforts in Shasta County, CA.
- West Coast Children's Clinic, $17,500 (GR2-07D) - Expanding and strategically assessing the CAN tool in identifying trafficking victims.
- Raise the Future, $20,000 (GR23-47D) - Supporting foster and at-risk youth in Clark County, NV.
- Michelson 20MM Foundation, $20,000 (GR24-18D) - Digital Equity Pooled Fund for Northern CA.
- Juma Ventures, $20,000 (GR23-70D) - SNAP E&T support in Northern CA.
- Regents of the University of California, Berkeley, $30,000 (GR23-40D) - Sustainability planning and communication support for CCWIP.
- Child and Family Policy Institute, $15,000 (GR24-10D) - No. CA student participation in the 2024 CA Foster Youth Education Summit.
- National Youth Employment Coalition, $20,000 (GR24-06D) - CA and NV youth participation in the 2024 NYEC Annual Forum.
- Advokids, $4,500 (GR24-05D) - Support for the study on minors' attorneys' obligations in juvenile dependency proceedings.
- John Burton Advocates for Youth, $2,010 (GR24-08D) - Books to distribute at CCP Blueprint Conference.
- National Youth Employment Coalition, $5,000 (GR24 56D) - Support for annual conference, including representation by CA youth advocate.
- Child and Family Policy Institute of California, $20,000 (GR24 24D) - Support youth engagement project in partnership with the CA Dept of Social Services.
- National Association of Counsel for Children, $10,000 (GR24 26D) - Support review of current tech stack to recommend current and future tech needs.
- CalMatters, $10,000 (GR24 25D) - Support for reporting on educational access for vulnerable students.
- John Burton Advocates for Youth, $20,000 (GR24 24D) - Support for California College Pathways conference.
- Community Support Network, $20,000 (GR24 19D) - Support for TAY housing in Sonoma County, CA.
- Treehouse Foundation, Inc., $20,000 (GR24 21D) - Communications support for education and foster youth issues.
- Child and Family Policy Institute of California, $3,000 (GR24 22 D) - Conference support for California Department of Education rep to national Dept of Ed convening.
- Southern California Grantmakers, $30,000 (GR24-72D) - Support for Ready to Success.
- Community Foundation of New Jersey, $40,000 (GR24-70D) - Support for national child welfare transition planning.
- Alliance for Community Advocacy, $4,000 (GR24-73D) - Travel support for TA on mental health planning in Northern CA and NV.
- KidsFirst, $30,000 (GR24-69D) - Individual, group and family therapy program.
- Children's Services Foundation, $40,000 (GR24-71D) - Catalyst for Wellness in Community apprenticeship program.
- National Youth Employment Coalition, $5,000 (GR24-56D) - Travel support for youth leaders to attend Youth Day in DC.
- Youth Law Center, $40,000 (GR24-64D) - Advocacy to support digital connectivity and communications access for foster youth.
- Aspiranet, $40,000 (GR24-56D) - Support for the workability program in rural Northern CA.
- Legal Aid Association of California, $40,000 (GR24-35D) - Support for the Public Interest Law Fellowship.
- Public Works Alliance, $10,000 (GR24-57D)- Support for the CA realignment report.
- Kid in the Corner ($10,000), San Francisco Friends School ($10,000), New Haven Youth Tennis & Education ($10,000), Washoe County School District: Reno High School Cross Country and Track ($10,000), Pop Up Birthday ($5,000), Hutto Resource Center ($5,000), Open Window Schools ($10,000), Friends of Maypearl ($10,000), Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona ($10,000), Corvallis Housing First ($5,000), Linn-Benton Community College Foundation ($10,000), Indian River Soccer Association ($10,000), Bronco Bench Foundation ($20,000), Palm Harber University High School ($10,000), Childcare REsources of Indian River ($10,000), Ettie Lee Homes for Children ($10,000), San Francisco Recreation & Park Department ($12,000).
- SOAR for Youth, $200,000 for 2 years (GR23-01Y) - Educational support for foster youth in SF Bay Area.
- Children's Law Center of CA, $100,000 (GR23-02R) - Pre-filing prevention pilot program to serve expectant and parenting foster youth in Sacramento and Placer counties.
- Lutheran Social Services for Northern CA, $200,000 for 2 years (GR23-03Y) - Expansion of two homeless transitional youth housing programs.
- University of California, Berkeley, $100,000 (GR23-04R) - Support for the new Transitional Age Youth Research and Evaluation lab (TAY-Hub).
- California Alliance of Caregivers, $100,000 (GR23-05R) - Strategic planning, communications, and development support for a statewide alliance of foster parent caregivers.
- New Ways to Work, $200,000 (GR23-18R) - Strategic partner for the expansion of the California Opportunity Youth Network.
- Foster Kinship, $300,000 for 2 years (GR23-19Y) - Expansion of the Kinship Navigator program in Nevada.
- Youth Forward, $100,000 for 2 years (GR23-20Y) - Technical assistance for access to the new cannabis tax funding in California and Sacramento for nonprofit agencies serving foster and homeless youth.
- HELP of Southern Nevada, $100,000 (GR23-21R) - Support in securing additional resources to meet the demands for housing services by transitional-age youth in Clark County.
- The University of Nevada Las Vegas, $300,000 for 2 years (GR23-22Y) - Support for the UNLV Fostering Scholars Program.
- Foundation for California Community College, $240,000 (GR23-32R) - Support for the CalFresh Education & Training (E&T) programs through the expansion of its Fresh Success Program.
- Legal Services Funders Network (fiscal agent: Legal Aid Association of California), $110,000 (GR23-33R) - Support for the Public Interest Law Post-Graduate Bar Fellowship.
- Workforce Connections of Southern Nevada (fiscal agent: New Ways to Work), $100,000 (GR23-35R) - Support for the "Next Step: Your Career" collaboration to create job opportunities for disconnected youth ages 16-24 in Clark County, NV.
- Funders for Education Success of Students Experiencing Homelessness, Child Welfare, and Juvenile Justice (fiscal agent: JustFund), $250,000 (GR23-36R) - Support for participation in a pooled fund to address the educational needs of the most marginalized students in the K-12 system.
- A Home Within, $100,000 (GR23-38R) - Support for the "Building Practice in Community Project" focused on investing in the early career therapist from diverse backgrounds to provide pro bono therapy for foster youth in Northern California.
- VOICES/On The Move, $200,000 (GR23-39R) - Support for the Solano County educational programs for transitional age youth, including foster and homeless youth.
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice in Education (fiscal agent: American Bar Association), $200,000 (GR23-44R) - Support for the Legal Center for Foster and Education.
- SchoolHouse Connections, $100,000 (GR23-50R) - Support for the TA and implementation of the new FASFA rules for foster and homeless youth.
- Greater Valley Conservation Corporation (fiscal agent ), $100,000 (GR23-51R) - Support for the strategic planning for opportunity youth job training and support program in San Joaquin county.
- University of Nevada, Reno, $250,000 for 2 years (GR23-52Y) - Support for the UNR Fostering Scholars program.
- Raise the Future, $40,000 (GR22-79D) - Summer Camp for adoptive youth in Southern Nevada
- Pathways to Hope, $40,000 (GR23-10D) - Summer Camp for foster and at-risk youth in rural Northern California
- Make It Home, $40,000 (GR22-76D) - Home furnishings for foster, homeless, and unaccompanied minors in SF Bay Area
- American Association of Caregiving Youth, $10,000 (GR23-11D) - Education and advocacy to national legislators
- CalMatters, $10,000 (GR23-07D) - Educational access for vulnerable students
- First Star Academy, $40,000 (GR23-16D) - Strategic planning for a statewide coalition of foster youth educational nonprofits.
- Child and Family Policy Institute of California/California Foster Youth Education Task Force, $15,000 (GR23-17D) - Conference registration for Northern CA foster youth.
- Children's Partnership, $20,000 (GR23-23D) - Communication and media consultation.
- National Association Council for Children, $10,000 (GR23-25D) - Communication and media consultation.
- American Association of Caregiving Youth, Inc., $10,000 (GR23-11D) - Increasing attention and support for the needs of caregiving youth.
- Fostering Media Connections, $20,000 (GR23-26D) - Journalism focused on youth justice reform and challenges.
- National Youth Employment Coalition, Inc., $30,000 (GR23-24D) - Support for attendance by Northern California and Nevada organizations to attend the national conference.
- St. Jude's Ranch for Children, Inc., $30,000 (GR23-08D) - Launch of bridge housing fund for former foster youth.
- National Association of Counsel for Children, $10,000 (GR23-25D) - Support for attendance by Northern California and Nevada organizations to attend national conferences.
- The Children's Partnership, $20,000 (GR23-23D) - Communications and media consultation.
- Family Builders by Adoption, $40,000 (GR23-28D) - LGBTQ+ TA and training to child welfare agencies.
- National Foster Youth Institute, $40,000 (GR23-29D)- Support for NV foster youth programs.
- Children's Advocacy Institute (fiscal agent: University of San Diego), $20,000 (GR23-27D) - Support for the protecting federal benefits for foster youth campaign.
- National Foster Youth Institute, $40,000 (GR23-29D) - Mobilization of Nevada current and former foster youth.
- Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute, $40,000 (GR23-30D) - Foster youth internship program and transitional age youth.
- California Association of Nonprofits, $25,000 (GR23-45D) - Nonprofit student debt project.
- Foundation for California Community Colleges, $40,000 (GR23-41D) - Foster youth laptop project.
- Michelson 20MM Foundation, Inc., $20,000 (GR23-49D) - Digital equity pooled fund.
- Beyond Emancipation, $20,000 (GR23-40D) - Foster youth needs assessment and survey.
- National Youth Employment Coalition, Inc., $10,000 (GR23-43D) - Youth days in DC reception.
- Community Services & Employment Training, $20,000 (GR23-42D) - Creation of the California Association of Local Conservation Corporation Foundation.
- iFoster, $40,000 (GR23-69D) - Nevada job training AmeriCorp program.
- TLC Child & Family Services, $40,000 (GR23-71D) - Strategic planning for foster youth job training program in Sonoma county.
- Pathways to Hope for Children, $40,000 (GR23-48D) - Strategic planning.
- Children NOW, $2,500 (GR23-73D) - Foster youth training stipends.
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice in Education, $120,000 for 2 years (GR22-01Y) - Support for technical assistance and support for the educational needs of students in foster care.
- FosterMore (fiscal agent - Entertainment Industry Foundation), $100,000 for 2 years (GR22-02Y) - Support for digital foster parent recruitment campaign in Nevada and Northern California.
- Children Now, $200,000 for 2 years (GR22-03Y) - Support for foster youth advocacy related to natural disasters, educational outcomes, and access to basic needs.
- Fostering Media Connections, $240,000 for 2 years (GR22-04Y) - Support for journalism focused on the needs of caregivers and foster youth.
- Truckee Meadows Community College, $225,000 for 3 years (GR22-06Y) - Support for the Fostering College Success Program.
- Urban Institute, $90,000 for 1 year (GR22-07R) - Support for research on the use of federal Education and Training Vouchers (ETVs) for youth aging out of foster care.
- Youth Law Center, $240,000 for 2 years (GR22-05Y) - Support for federal advocacy to improve access to state and financial aid for foster and homeless students.
- California Homeless Youth Project (fiscal agent: CA State Library Foundation), $150,000 for 3 years (GR22-16Y) - Support for the "You County" data tool.
- PRIDE Industries, $280,000 for 2 years (GR22-16Y) - Support for the Youth Success Initiative.
- Children's Advocacy Institute (fiscal agent: University of San Diego), $200,000 for 2 years (GR22-17Y) - Advocacy for appropriate use of foster youth's social security, disability, veterans and other benefits.
- Nevada System of Higher Education, $600,000 for 3 years (GR22-18Y) - Support for the statewide Foster Youth Success Initiative.
- John Burton Advocates for Youth, $800,000 for 3 years (GR22-19Y) - Support for "Project 3,500 - Reducing Homelessness among California's former foster youth."
- Aspiranet, $200,000 for 2 years (GR22-32Y) - Support for increase housing for current and former foster youth in Northern California.
- Educate Tomorrow, $75,000 (GR22-33R) - Support for Fostering Academic Achievements Nationwide (FAAN) and to increase post-secondary success for former foster youth nationally.
- Legal Services Funders Network (fiscal agent/Legal Aid Association of California), $150,000 (GR22-34R) - Support for the Public Interest Law Post-Graduate Bar Fellowship in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- Parents by Choice, $200,000 for 2 years (GR22-35Y) - Support for employment opportunities for system involved youth in Northern California.
- Side by Side, $200,000 for 2 years (GR22-36Y) - Support for YouthThrive intervention and prevention services for school and community-based behavioral and mental health services for youth.
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice in Education, $100,000 (GR22-37R) - Support for the educational needs of students in foster care nationwide.
- First Star Academy, $200,000 for 2 years (GR22-38Y) - Support to establish a First Star California State University East Bay (CSUEB) Academy.
- Raikes Foundation Donor Advised Fund (housed at the Seattle Foundation), $200,000 (GR22-62R) - Support for the Investing in the Education Success of Youth Experiencing Homeless, Foster Care and Juvenile Justice (IES) project.
- California College Pathways Pooled Fund, $300,000 (GR22-69R) - Support for funding educational programs for foster youth post-secondary success in California.
- Children's Partnership, $20,000 (GR1-82D) - Advocacy for foster youth in California.
- Family Builders by Adoption, $20,000 (GR21-78D) - Advocacy for adoption and permanency.
- FosterClub, $14,000 (GR22-10D) - Internship in DC by California and Nevada foster youth.
- Michelson 20MM Foundation, $20,000 (GR22-08D) - Digital equity pooled fund.
- New Doors Ventures, $20,000 (GR21-62D) - East Bay regional expansion planning.
- Youth Forward, $20,000 (GR22-11D) - Educating foster youth organizations about Prop 64 funding opportunities.
- National Center for Youth Law, $20,000 (GR22-12D) - Inclusion of foster youth in educational support in the California state budget.
- Foundation for California Community Colleges, $10,000 (GR22-33D) - Tim Bonnel Memorial scholarship.
- CALMatters, $10,000 (GR22-14D) - Higher education college journalism network.
- East Bay Family Defenders, $20,000 (GR22-13D) - Strategic planning.
- Children's Advocacy Institute, $20,000 (GR21-83D) - Foster youth SSI disability payment reform.
- California Alliance of Caregivers, $20,000 (GR22-25D) - Capacity building.
- Nevada youth empowerment project, $15,000 (GR22-21D) - Pre-employment skills training and housing specialist certification program.
- East Bay Community Law Center, $20,000 (GR22-09D) - Alameda County educational advocacy.
- American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education, $10,000 (GR22-24D) - Conference sponsorship for CA and NV participants.
- SchoolHouse Connections, $20,000 (GR22-41D) - Homeless student campaign in Nevada.
- National Center for Youth Law, $20,000 (GR22-46D) - Advocacy for educational support for foster youth.
- Compassionate Planet, $40,000 (GR22-26D) - Employment opportunities for foster and other at risk youth in Sacramento and Placer counties.
- Advokids, $40,000 (GR22-44D) - Legal advocacy for youth in California.
- The Forum for Youth Investment, $20,000 (GR22-25D) - Opportunity Youth Congressional liaison program.
- Educate Tomorrow Corporate, $10,000 (GR22-22D) - Fostering Academic Achievement Nationwide (FAAN) Pre-conference event.
- Seneca Famiy of Agencies, $10,000 (GR22-31D) - Facilitate Upgrade for Petaluma COMPASS program.
- Legal Services for Children, Inc., $10,000 (GR22-28D) - Strategic planning.
- Community Support Network, $20,000 (GR22-27D) - Development and training manager.
- National Association of Counsel for Children, $5,000 (GR22-43D) - Scholarship for National Child Welfare Law conference.
- Youth Spirits Artworks, $10,000 (GR22-40) - Tiny House Empowerment Village.
- ChefAnn Foundation, $10,000 (GR22-44D) - California Health School Food Program.
- SchoolHouse Connection, $20,000 (GR22-41D) - Health care access and education for youth experiencing homelessness in Nevada.
- Compassion Planet, $40,000 (GR22-26D) - Strategic planning for employment and housing program for foster youth.
- Advokids, $40,000 (GR22-44D) - Enforcing the ethical obligations of minors' attorneys in juvenile dependency proceedings.
- Fostering Media Connections, $10,000 (GR22-45D) - Journalism focused on youth justice reform and challenges.
- Ticket to Dream Foundation, $10,000 (GR22-74D) - Disaster relief for foster youth and foster parents in Northern California and Nevada.
- Ticket to Dream Foundation, $40,000 (GR22-71D) - First night care support for kinship caregivers in Northern California and Nevada.
- Boosted Diplomas, $40,000 (GR22-65D) - Achievements Unlocked, tutoring program for high school foster youth students in Washoe County, NV.
- Alliance for Community Advocacy, $40,000 (GR22-67D) - CHHS Children and Youth behavioral health initiative in Northern CA.
- First Place for Youth, $35,000 (GR22-62D) - Connecting Transitional Age Foster Youth to Workforce Resources in San Francisco Bay Area.
- Foster Youth Education Fund, $5,000 (GR22-70D) - Fashion Show Fundraiser.
- Beyond Emancipation, $400,000 for 2 years (GR21-17) - Support to increase the number of foster youth receiving intensive supportive services in Alameda County, CA.
- California Alliance of Caregivers, $140,000 for 2 years (GR21-01Y) - Support for program and services helping foster and relative caregivers.
- California CASA, $300,000 for 2 years (GR21-27Y) - Support for strategic planning for major gifts.
- California College Pathways Funders Alliance Donor Advised Fund, $300,000 for 1 year (GR21-42R) - Support for campus foster youth programs in Northern California via a pooled fund.
- California Homeless Youth Project (housed at the California Research Bureau), $100,000 for 1 year (GR21-02R) - Support for the "You Count: California Youth Homelessness Data Project."
- California State University Long Beach, $300,000 for 2 years (GR21-28Y) - Support for evaluation of the Rapid ReHousing model.
- Child Care Law Center, $140,000 for 2 years (GR21-03Y) - Support for child care policy and legal technical assistance to the California Department of Social Services.
- Children's Law Center of California, $125,000 for 1 year (GR21-04R) - Support for the CARE enhanced legal assistance to children in the foster care system program for Northern California counties.
- HELP of Southern Nevada, $100,000 for 1 year (GR21-29R) - Support for the Shannon West Homeless Youth Center
- Hope Solutions (formerly Contra Costa Interfaith, $150,000 for 2 years (GR21-09Y) - Support for education/employment support for homeless transition age youth in Contra Costa County.
- iFoster, $300,000 for 2 years (GR21-64Y) - Support for foster youth employment program in Nevada.
- John Burton Advocates for Youth, $200,000 for 1 year (GR21-31R) - Support to establish Volunteer Income Tax Assistant sites in five Northern California counties.
- John Muir Land Trust, $200,000 for 2 years (GR21-65Y) - Support for Family Harvest Farm foster youth employment program in Contra Costa county.
- Juma Ventures, $200,000 for 2 years (GR21-66Y) - Support for youth employment program in Sacramento county.
- Law Foundation of Silicon Valley, $200,000 for 2 years (GR21-67Y) - Support for foster youth identity protection program in Santa Clara county.
- Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada, $200,000 for 2 years (GR21-10Y) - Support for education advocacy program for foster youth in Southern Nevada.
- Life Learning Academy, $200,000 for 2 years (GR21-68Y) - Support for boarding school and employment program for foster and vulnerable youth in San Francisco Bay Area.
- National Center for Youth Law, $150,000 for 2 years (GR21-11Y) - Support for the Compassionate System Initiative, an educational equity for system involved system in California.
- New Ways to Work, $400,000 for 2 years (GR21-13Y) - Support for expansion and capacity building of the California Opportunity Youth Network (COYN).
- On the Move/VOICES, $400,000 for 2 years (GR21-32Y) - Support for the homeless and foster youth drop in center in Solano County, California.
- Think-Of-Us, $200,000 (GR21-69Y) - Support for the Center for Lived Experience, a program focused on engaging foster youth in research and advocacy.
- Together We Rise, $200,000 (GR21-70Y) - Support for the Rapid Response small grant program to assist foster youth in higher education in California.
- Unity Care, $200,000 for 2 years (GR21-12Y) - Support for programs services for transitional age foster youth in Placer, Nevada, El Dorado, and Sacramento counties.
- University of Chicago, $280,000 for 1 year (GR21-33R) - Support for CalYouth Study transfer of data to the University of California at Berkeley.
- University of Nevada, Reno, $200,000 for 2 years (GR21-71Y) - Support for the development of the Foster Youth Success Initiative in Reno, NV.
- American Bar Association, $20,000 (GR21-58D) - TA on education and foster care issues in CA and NV.
- Boosted Diplomas, $40,000 (GR21-35D) - Tutor program for foster youth in high school in Washoe County, NV.
- Boys and Girls Club of Contra Costa County (GR21-59D) - Wraparound services at alternative high school in Richmond, CA.
- Boys and Girls Club of San Francisco, $40,000 (GR21-74D) - Wraparound services for foster youth and system involved youth in Fresno County, CA.
- Boys and Girls Club of San Francisco, $10,000 (GR21-75D) - Technical assistance for youth workforce programs.
- CalMatters, $10,000 (GR21-20D) - Higher education journalism network.
- Children's Advocacy Alliance, $10,000 (GR21-21D) - NV foster youth research study.
- Children's Law Center of California, $20,000 (GR21-60D) - Pre-filing pilot planning project.
- Children NOW, $3,000 (GR21-37D) - Transition Age Foster Youth engagement in Family Urgent Response System (FURS) implementation.
- Community Support Network, $30,000 (GR21-19D) - Sanctuary villas and Sanctuary house.
- East Bay Family Defenders, $10,000 (GR21-40D) - Strategic planning.
- First Focus, $25,000 (GR21-79D) - Congressional hearing and report on accessing benefits and tax credits for foster youth.
- First Star Academy, $25,000 (GR21-80D) - Pre college collective for foster youth in California.
- Foster Kinship, $10,000 (GR21-77D) - Support for development consultant.
- Foster Kinship, $15,000 (GR21-71D) - Kinship training institute.
- Foster Youth Education Fund, $4,500, (GR21-72D) - Laptops for foster youth in the Sacramento region.
- Fostering Media Connections, $30,000 (GR21-76D) - Special issue of Fostering Families Today focused on tax credits and benefits.
- iFoster, $20,000 (GR21-15D) - Laptops for college foster youth.
- John Muir Land Trust, $5,000 (GR21-34D) - Family Harvest Farm Planning grant.
- Juma Ventures, $40,000 (GR21-25D) - Strategic planning.
- Law Foundation of Silicon Valley, $40,000 (GR21-22D) - Preventing foster youth identity theft.
- Marcus A. Foster Educational Institute, $40,000 (GR21-41D) - Mentoring for Advanced and Professional Success (MAPS) for foster youth scholars.
- National Association of Counsel for Children, $10,000 (GR21-36D) - Website communications and consultation.
- National Foster Youth Institute, $10,000 (GR21-57D) - General operating support.
- National Youth Employment Coalition, $9,000 (GR21-75D) - Sponsorship of the NYEC Annual Forum.
- Olive Crest, $40,000 (GR21-38D), Teen and young adult program funding expansion.
- PRIDE Industries, $40,000 (GR21-06D) - Evaluation of the at-risk youth employment services project.
- Santa Barbara Foundation, $5,000 (GR21-63D) - Giving list matching grant.
- SchoolHouse Connection, $25,000 (GR21-84D) - Increasing access to health care for youth experiencing homelessness in Nevada.
- University of Chicago, $10,000 (GR21-24D) - Short-term continuation of CalYouth Project tasks.
- Alliance for Children's Rights, $200,000 for 2 years (GR20-58D) - Support for their "Hidden Foster Care" project to reform local child welfare practice.
- California College Pathways - Donor Advised Fund, $200,000 for 1 year (GR20-06R) - Contributing to a pooled fund of grants to support campus programs supporting foster youth scholars throughout Northern California.
- Children's Advocacy Alliance, $100,000 for 1 year (GR20-60R) - Support for their Nevada Foster Youth Employment Transition Initiative.
- Center for Law and Social Policy, $200,000 for 2 years (GR20-33Y) - Support for advocacy efforts for policies to support access to food, postsecondary education, and employment stability for foster youth and young people with low income, particularly focused on California and Nevada.
- Foster Kinship, $200,000 for 2 years (GR20-34Y) - Support to enhance their statewide Nevada Kinship Navigator program.
- Foundation for California Community Colleges, $500,000 for 3 years (GR20-61Y) - Support for the basic needs centers in the community colleges of the Sacramento Valley region.
- Lutheran Social Services of Northern California, $300,000 for 2 years (GR20-59Y) - Support for their Youth Education and Employment Initiative.
- John Burton Advocates for Youth, $400,000 for 2 years (GR20-01Y) - Support for a qualitative study of the foster youth data landscape in California’s educational system.
- John Burton Advocates for Youth, $100,000 for 1 year (GR20-05R) - Purchase and distribute laptops and cellphones to foster youth scholars in higher education during the COVID crisis.
- John Burton Advocates for Youth, $200,000 for 2 years (GR20-62Y) - Support for the San Francisco Bay Area Training Age Youth Workforce Initiative.
- Mockingbird Society, $200,000 for 2 years (GR20-31Y) - Support to recruit and train two new foster parent Mockingbird Family modes in Fresno County.
- Nevada System of Higher Education, $400,000 for 2 years (GR20-03Y) - Support for the implementation of its statewide Foster Youth Success Initiative (FYSI).
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas, $200,000 for 2 years (GR20-02Y) - Support to develop a Guardian Scholars Program for former and current foster youth scholars.
- Together We Rise, $200,000 for 1 year (GR20-30R) - Support for their Rapid Response Program for foster youth in higher education in Northern California and Nevada.
- Western Center on Law and Poverty, $200,000 for 2 years (GR20-32Y) - Support for anti-hunger and food security advocacy for legislation and policy related to students, former foster and juvenile justice youth, and families impacted by foster care.
- Advokids (GR20-64D) - Support child welfare legal hotline.
- Alliance for Children's Rights (GR20-35D) - Support for kinship care advocacy and policy reform.
- Alliance for Strong Families and Communities (GR20-40D) - Support for their pandemic policy planning for health and human services agencies.
- Alternative Family Services (GR20-25D) - Equipment and staff training in response to COVID-19 pandemic.
- Alternative Family Services (GR20-37D) - COVID 19 safe visitation assessment and implementation.
- American Public Human Services Association (GR20-39D) - Support for their pandemic policy planning for health and human services agencies.
- California Alliance for Caregivers (GR20-14D) - General support for resource family engagement and advocacy.
- California CASA Association (GR20-20D) - Support services and emergency response to pandemic closure.
- California Homeless Youth Project - California State Library Foundation (GR20-42D) - Support publication focused on issues facing homeless community college students in California.
- California Youth Connection (GR20-56D) - General support.
- CalMatters (GR20-43D) - Support for journalism and webinars focused on higher education for marginalized populations.
- Child and Family Policy Institute of California (GR20-07D) - Support travel costs for foster youth attendance at TAYCON conference 2020.
- Children's Partnership (GR20-41D) - Cultivating an ecosystem to support the health and well-being of marginalized youth in California.
- Children Now (GR20-65D) - Support federal transition planning for children and family services in California.
- Children's Services Foundation (GR20-38D) - Support the COVID 19 California provide hotline.
- Community Support Network (GR20-15D) - Start-up and sustainability planning for Sanctuary Villa, youth housing program.
- Foster Kinship (GR20-08D) - Strategic planning for state expansion.
- Generations United (GR20-23D) - Support for grandfamilies with resource information during COVID-19 pandemic.
- iFoster (GR20-19D) - Smart phones for foster youth in higher education.
- John Muir Land Trust (GR20-63D) - Support for foster youth employment program at the Family Harvest Farm.
- Juma Ventures (GR20-07R) - General support for employment opportunities for at risk youth in the Sacramento region
- Legal Services for Funders housed at Northern California Grantmakers (GR20-36D) - Support for post-graduate legal fellows program.
- Lutheran Social Services of Northern California (GR20-07R) - Support for educational and workforce training programs serving at risk youth in the Sacramento and Stockton region.
- Peace4Kids (GR20-18D) - Support for former foster youth scholars association.
- Pivotal (GR20-17D) - Increasing system involved youth access to WIOA employment funding.
- Root and Rebound (GR20-16D) - Legal advocacy for justice impacted San Francisco Bay Area Youth.
- Seneca Family of Agencies (GR20-22D) - Operating support for COVID19 response programs.
- Seneca Family of Agencies (GR20-27D) - Recruitment of foster and resource parents through social media.
- Volunteers of America - Northern California/Northern Nevada (GR20-57D) - Support for the Dare-to-Dream homeless and foster youth scholarship program.
- Washoe County Human Services (GR20-26D) - Purchase of laptops for foster youth.
- Youth Forward (GR20-05D) - Analyze potential benefits of cannabis tax revenues to foster youth organizations.
- University of Chicago, $200,000 for 2 years (GR19-01Y)
- Nevada System of Higher Education, $200,000 for 1 year (GR19-02R)
- Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada, $200,000 for 2 years (GR19-03Y)
- Seneca Family of Agencies, $200,000 for 2 years (GR19-04Y)
- Bay Area Legal Aid, $200,000 for 2 years (GR19-10Y)
- Children Now, $200,000 for 2 years (GR19-11Y)
- Educational Results Partnership, $200,000 for 2 years (GR19-12Y)
- California Children's Trust, $100,000 for 1 year (GR19-13R)
- Children's Partnership, $100,000 for 1 year (GR19-14R)
- California CASA, $200,000 for 2 years (GR19-15Y)
- Center for Child and Family Futures, $100,000 for 1 year (GR19-28R)
- East Bay Children's Law Office, $400,000 for 2 years (GR19-29Y)
- Fostering Media Connections, $200,000 for 2 years (GR19-30Y)
- iFoster, $300,000 for 2 years (GR19-31Y)
- SchoolHouse Connections, $200,000 for 2 years (GR19-33Y)
- Tipping Point Community, $100,000 for 1 year (GR19-32R)
- Beyond Emancipation, $200,000 for 2 years (GR18-02Y) - Support to expand and increase the capacity of their Workforce Pathways Program to serve younger and more youth in Alameda County.
- California Youth Connection, $200,000 for 2 years (GR18-12Y) - Support to expand their foster youth leadership and advocacy program in the Central Valley.
- Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano County, $250,000 for 2 years (GR18-07Y) - Support for their CalFresh policy and planning efforts related to at-risk and foster care youth in Contra Costa and Solano counties.
- FosterMore/fiscal agent Tides Foundation, $200,000 for 2 years (GR18-05Y) - Support to expand their foster parent recruitment campaign in Northern Californi
- iFoster, $200,000 for 1 year (GR18-08R) - Support for their 1Laptop program for youth in Northern California and the expansion of their job training program in Washoe County, NV.
- National Center for Youth Law, $300,000 for 2 year (GR18-01Y) - Support for improving the educational outcomes for foster youth in Contra Costa and Monterey counties.
- New Doors Venture, $100,000 for 1 year (GR18-03R) - Support to replicate their job training and work experience program in Alameda county.
- Washoe County Department of Social Services, $220,000 for 2 years (GR18-04Y) - Support for implementation of the “Achievements Unlocked” program – a court, education, and child welfare partnership to improve the educational and employment outcomes for foster youth in Washoe County, NV.
- Youth Homes, $100,000 for 1 year (GR18-11R) - Support for implementation of an electronic database system for a residential treatment program in Contra Costa County.
California CASA * California Youth Connection * Child Advocacy Alliance * Child and Family Policy Institute * Child Care Law Center * Community Services Employment Treatment (CSET) * East Bay Children’s Law Office (EBCLO) * Family Builders by Adoption * Family Support Services
- Alliance for Children’s Rights, $250,000 for 2 years (GR17-01Y) - Support for their Fostering Kinship Families Project, focused on ensuring California’s Continuum of Care Reform legislation is implemented to create a kin-first and child-centered system that reduces reliance on group-home care.
- Binti (fiscal agent Fostering Media Connections), $100,000 for 1 year (GR17-24R) - To install, implement and support an online foster family licensing software solution at child welfare agencies located throughout Northern California.
- American Bar Association – Center on Children & the Law, $115,000 for 3 years (GR17-06Y) -Support for their technical assistance and training to the Nevada Washoe County Education and Foster Care workgroup, including the development of a ESSA toolkit targeting foster youth/educational issues in Nevada.
- California Alliance for Caregivers/fiscal agent United Parents for Children, $50,000 for 1 year (GR17-37R) - To develop a statewide resource family/foster parent advocacy organization.
- California Homeless Youth Advocacy (fiscal agent California State Library Foundation), $200,000 for 2 years (GR17-40Y) -To improve programs and policies addressing post-secondary access and educational outcomes for transition age youth experiencing homelessness in California.
- Children’s Network of Solano County, $100,000 for 1 year (GR17-23R) - To establish a Youth Leadership Council for Solano County.
- Children Now, $250,000 for 2 years (GR17-03Y) - Support to coordinate the collective efforts of child welfare advocates in providing feedback to state-level policy makers in the implementation of California’s Continuum of Care Reform efforts.
- Children’s Partnership, $70,000 for 1 year (GR17-07R) - Support for their Community of Practice for California counties focused on improving electronic information sharing, as well as developing follow up reports from the HackFosterCare events.
- Civicorps, $100,000 for 1 year (GR17-43R) - To expand support food, childcare, and transportation support for young adults participating in their high school completion and employment program.
- Fostering Media Connections, $100,000 for 1 year (GR17-21R) - To produce news stories focused on the education and employment of foster youth, and the intersection of technology and child welfare.
- John Burton Advocates for Youth, $150,000 for 1 year (GR17-02R) - Support for their role as the coordinator and administrator for the California College Pathways Initiative (CCP). The goal of CCP is to support programs and policies to improve post-secondary educational success for foster youth in California.
- John Burton Advocates for Youth, $280,000 for 2 years (GR17-18Y) - Support to expand California College Pathways (CCP) model to address the needs of homeless youth in post-secondary education, as well as expand CCP to participate in a FASFA completion challenge.
- Juma Ventures , $150,000 for 2 years (GR17-19Y) - Support to replicate and expand their youth employment training models to two venues in Sacramento, the Golden 1 Center and Paper Murphy’s Park. The Juma program in Sacramento will serve low-income and former/current foster youth.
- Law Foundation of Silicon Valley, $200,000 for 2 years (GR17-38Y) -To address the issue of foster youth identity theft – both short-term program and long-term policy solutions.
- Opportunity Junction ,$150,000 for 2 years (GR17-05Y) - Support for partnership with Los Medanos Community College focused on employment and career training program for 18-24 year old students in East Contra Costa county.
- Sunny Hills Services, $70,000 for 1 year (GR17-20R) - To convert their group home to be licensed to serve commercially sexually exploited youth in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- Western Center on Law and Poverty, $75,000 for 1 year (GR17-08R) - To provide policy guidance to California policymakers related to children’s issues in health care, public benefits, and entitlements.
- Youth Radio, $100,000 for 1 year (GR17-22R) - To produce media coverage and interactive content focused on at-risk transition age youth issues.
Alameda Family Services * Alex Smith Foundation * American Bar Association * Breaking Barriers * Bronco Bench Foundation * Childcare Resources * Children’s Action Campaign * Children’s Network of Solano County * Children Now * Children’s Partnership * Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute * East Bay Children’s Law Office * Epicenter * Families Now * First Focus * FosterMore * Fostering Media Connection * HandsOn Central California * Hibiscus Children’s Center * John Burton Advocates for Youth * Los Rios Community College Foundation * Mikeroweworks Foundation * New Doors Venture * New Haven Tennis Outreach * National Association of Social Work – New Mexico * NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education) * National Foster Youth Action Network * National Youth Employment Coalition * New Doors Venture * New Mexico State University Foundation * OneJustice * One Simple Wish * Paws in Need * Pinellas Education Foundation * Planned Partnerhood Mar Monte * Social Change Partners * StoneBridge School * Tahoe-Pyramid Bikeway * Tri-Valley Haven * Yuba Community College * Western Center on Law and Poverty * Woodland Community College
- Alternative Family Services, $100,00 for 1 year (GR16-25R) - Create a replicable plan and curriculum to recruit and retain Spanish speaking foster and adoptive resource families.
- American Bar Association, $500,00 for 2 years (GR16-06Y) - Support to conduct an independent evaluation to assess the impact of funding reallocation on the quality of legal representation of children and parents in California’s dependency courts.
- California Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Association, $250,00 for 2 years (GR16-01Y) - Support for implementing its 2015-2020 Growth Plan, designed to build the capacity of its statewide network of CASA programs. This grant will target the Central and Northern California regions.
- California Youth Connections, $250,000 for 1 year (GR16-02R) - Support the implementation of their Strategic Plan, designed to build the capacity of this foster-youth lead advocacy organization. This grant will also support CYC’s participation in California’s Continuum of Care Reform efforts
- Center for Media Change/dba Hack the Hood, $400,000 for 3 years (GR16-11Y) - Support to research, develop, pilot and replicate a program that integrates with community college system, and increases low income youth (including foster youth) enrollment into entry level information, communications, and technology (ICT) careers.
- Center for the Study of Social Policy, $400 for 2 years (GR16-12Y) - Support for the development and testing of an app (“Unify”) which helps transition age foster youth build a network of supporters in Santa Clara County.
- First Place for Youth, $500,000 for 2 years (GR16-07Y) - Support to (1) document the process of trying to secure an Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) contract in Alameda, Contra Costa, or Santa Clara counties, and (2) to operationalize screening and assessment for foster youth in Alameda County.
- iFoster, $300,000 for one year (GR16-22R) - Implement phase one of the 1Laptop Campaign to provide all transition-age foster youth with a laptop and support the expansion of the iFoster Jobs Program to Sacramento County, CA and Washoe County, Nevada.
- Law Foundation of Silicon Valley, $100,000 for 1 year (GR16-08R) - Support for its Legal Advocate for Youth and Children program to enable the development of a foster youth identity theft program and toolkit. The Toolkit will be developed in partnership with Bay Area Legal Aid (BALA).
- Silicon Valley Children’s Fund, $250,000 for one year (GR16-23R) - Coordinate and provide the media/communications effort for the Silicon Valley HackFosterCare Campaign, as well as evaluate the 1Laptop Campaign.
- TeenForce, $250,000 for 2 years (GR16-24Y) - Support the expansion of their employment and STEM training program for foster youth in Santa Clara county.
- United Way of the Bay Area, $100,000 for 1 year (GR16-09R) - Support to expand the Guardian Scholars Program at Skyline College to improve outcomes for foster and juvenile justice-involved youth in San Mateo County. A small portion of this grant would also be used for exploring the potential of expanding the Guardian Scholar program to Contra Costa County.
- University of Chicago, $120,000 for 1 year (GR16-13R) - Support to complete the 5th and final year of the California Youth Transitions to Adulthood (CalYOUTH) Study
- Youth Radio, $75,000 for 1 year (GR16-03R) - Support for its Digital Communications Pathways program, which engages youth in media and technology art training in the San Francisco Bay Area counties.
Alameda County Social Services Agency * Alex Smith Foundation * Ainsley’s Angels * Bay Area Legal Aid * Breaking Barriers * Bronco Bench Foundation * California State Library Foundation * California State University Fresno * California Youth Connections * Center for Fostering Success * Center for the Study of Social Policy * Childcare Resources * ChildFocus * Children Now * Children’s Partnership * Coastal Virginia Aquatics * Community Works West * Conservation Earth/dba Wildlife Association * Family Builders by Adoption * First Focus * Foster Youth Alliance * Foster Youth Education Fund * Fostering Media Connections * Hack the Hood * iFoster * Law Foundation of Silicon Valley * Learning Alliance * Legal Assistance for Seniors * Legal Services for Children * National Youth Employment Coalition * New Haven Tennis Outreach * OneJustice * Paws in Need * Pinellas Education Foundation * Pleasanton Partnerships in Education * Silicon Valley Children’s Fund * Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation * Tahoe-Pyramid Bikeway * TeenForce * Thinkof -Us * Silicon Valley Children’s Fund * SOAR * University of California Merced * Wounded Warrior Project.